Le news di Colouree sullo sviluppo sostenibile, e l’innovazione UrbanTech e PropTech

#smart cities

#real estate

#sviluppo sostenibile

#nature based solutions

#digital twin

#economia circolare

#waste management




#smart planning




Datalab 2.0: uno strumento utile anche per le imprese
Colouree ottiene l’incarico per sviluppare Datalab per i comuni di Anci Lombardia
Colouree among the speakers of the "Becoming circular" workshop organised by C-City
Perchè imprese B2B e B2C dovrebbero diventare green
The city of 15 minutes - Planning the city with respect to the lifestyle of its citizens
Italian Innovation Summit - What is Proptech in Italy and Europe?
Italian Proptech Network - Colouree speaker al round table “Data-Driven Real Estate”
Colouree in the TOP 50 European startups selected by Proptech House
The shops in Genoa that deliver home on the map
PropTech and Coronavirus - The support of Big Data and Location Intelligence
The future of Cities after the Coronavirus – How will PropTech contribute to a new Urban Metabolism?
How to make cities livable with Nature Based Solutions?
Does the context influence the real estate value? How to measure it with Big Data
Smart City - Territorial Economic Planning and Development
Student Housing - Find out how student-friendly the city is
Sinergie - The event dedicated to real estate services - Colouree interviewed
Real Estate 4.0 - Proptech, the technology that revolutionizes the real estate sector
Wastee: Colouree's Smart Waste Management System
We talk about Open Innovation and Startup at the National Assembly
Come and visit us at SMAU Milan from 22nd to 24th October
Big Data and Location Analytics for Real Estate and the Smart City
Colouree at RETV, the Italian Real Estate web TV
Wastee - Geo-referenced data for optimized management of municipal waste
Also Colouree in the Smart Cities guide of the European Commission (EIP-SCC)
Sustainable Places 2019. The #1 European event on the sustainability of cities
What are requests that are revolutionizing the real estate market?
What does Colouree do? Startuppers - Business24
Eurocities: Building resilient cities - waste collection
Marketing in Real Estate - Conquering the real estate consumer
Genova Impresa talks about Colouree in its dossier on territorial marketing
ITALY-CHINA forum - Colouree awarded at Best Startup Showcase
Colouree at the Genoa Smart Week "Sperimentare è Smart
Colouree is among the best proposals selected by FRI-Start
PlaceTech: The 5 Italian innovators that will change Real Estate
Nature4cities 4th general meeting in Bruxelles
How to analyze the context of any property in 3 clicks?
Smart City - Territorial economic planning and development
Which places do my competitors choose for their initiatives?
Real estate investors speak the language of data
Colouree at the MIPIM Real Estate forum
Colouree presented at the Columbia University
Colouree among the winners of the Open Innovation for Smart and inclusive Cities
Colouree è nel progetto Nature4cities finanziato da EU Horizon 2020
EfficaCity - Urban waste management from a circular economy perspective
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