PlaceTech, sito inglese specializzato nell’innovazione per il settore Immobiliare, mette Colouree fra i 5 innovatori italiani che cambieranno il Real Estate


Luca Famularo

Marketing Analyst @Colouree

Master's graduate in Marketing Management at the Bologna Business School. Expert in corporate sustainability indicators, in Colouree he holds Marketing Analyst and Communication responsibilities.

The PropTech's world

PropTech è un termine nato nel 2014 nel Regno Unito e deriva dalla fusione delle parole property e technology

Con il termine PropTech si fa quindi genericamente riferimento a tutte quelle imprese e quelle tecnologie che they allow the meeting and the creation of digital solutions with a specific focus on the real estate sector.

Le application areas dell’innovazione tecnologica al settore immobiliare sono in continua crescita, complice anche una consistente “arretratezza tecnologica” del settore rispetto ad altri mercati, e ad oggi possono essere così raggruppati:

  • Online rental and purchase of property;
  • Capital raising platforms for real estate investments (real estate crowdfunding);
  • Data analysis and Big Data solutions for the real estate market;
  • Property management software to support property management activity;
  • Application of new technologies such as virtual reality to allow us to visit the property we are considering buying or renting, even remotely.

Principale obiettivo dichiarato del PropTech è pertanto quello di revolutionize the world of Real Estate in order to fully adapt it to the digital world.

Una vera e propria rivoluzione del classico settore immobiliare che ricorda in modo speculare quello che sta succedendo al mondo della finanza con il termine fintech.

The pioneers of the sector

I pionieri di questo settore emergente sono nomi come AirBnBNestWeWorkZoopla: each in a different sector of PropTech, in order from the shared economy of short-term rentals, to the connected home, to the management and search for coworking spaces, up to the commercial search for properties to sell or rent on a long-term basis. In short, we are talking about something that is already powerfully in our midst and that we can touch with our hands.

The role of Data Analytics in the real estate sector

Applied to the real estate industry, Big and Open Data analysis systems will therefore make it possible to make forecasts of results and fundamental behaviors to determine the success, for example, of plans for the enhancement and repositioning of properties.

Furthermore, the large-scale use of geo-referenced information bases, as well as offering valuable support for the assessment of the territory's attractiveness and the definition of pricing, will therefore make it possible to make both the decision-making and interaction phases more effective and efficient. their customers.

In conclusione il potenziale dei predictive models basati sull’analisi dei Big Data sta diventando sempre più un driver di successo anche nel settore del Real Estate, costituendo pertanto uno dei segmenti di maggiore interesse e crescita del settore Proptech.

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