EfficaCity - Urban waste management from a circular economy perspective

Colouree is a partner of the EFFICACITY project, among the winners of the Call for Action 1.2.4 – Research and Innovation Centers of the Liguria Region

March 01, 2023

#CircularEconomy #SDG11 #WasteManagement

Efficacity è tra i progetti finanziati

Invitation to tender Region of Liguria action 1.2.4


Luca Famularo

Marketing Analyst @Colouree

Master's graduate in Marketing Management at the Bologna Business School. Expert in corporate sustainability indicators, in Colouree he holds Marketing Analyst and Communication responsibilities.

Colouree is a partner of the EFFICACITY project, among the winners of the Call for Action 1.2.4 – Research and Innovation Centers of the Liguria Region

The goal of the project is to develop Smart Waste Management solutions from a Circular Economy perspective.

Group leader Amiu Genova S.p.A.: Proposing companies: AlgoWatt , CAMELOT biomedical systems S.r.l. , Gter srl, FlairBit , Futuredata S.R.L., Circle Group, Colouree



Il progetto Efficacity riguarda l’ ottimizzazione intelligente ed efficiente del processo di prevenzione, riuso e raccolta dei rifiuti in ambito urbano, e ha come capofila AMIU (Azienda Multiservizi e d’Igiene Urbana), uno dei principali operatori italiani del settore ambientale, in cui opera da oltre trent’anni.

in particular, the project's activities aim is to identify, refine, integrate and apply complementary innovative technologies to enable new innovative processes to achieve the objectives of riciclo e riuso dei rifiuti solidi ingombranti, in ottica di economia circolare nell’area urbana.

A key concept is the involvement, in an integrated process, of the citizen, who is facilitated, made responsible and possibly rewarded based on the choice of the disposal channel.

Efficacity intende quindi, attraverso la sinergia delle competenze dai partner, rendere più efficiente e sostenibile la gestione sul territorio dei processi di raccolta, conferimento e riuso dei rifiuti, inserendo elementi tecnologici innovativi e di processo lungo la filiera, con particolare riferimento alla fase di raccolta.

Il tema è di strategic importance for urban spaces and their livability, and has important repercussions on the territory, allowing the introduction of waste management elements that reduce its disposal and direct it towards a virtuous dynamic of reuse and recycling.

The role of Colouree in the project will be to create dashboards with artificial intelligence, data and location intelligence technologies to understand the interactions within cities between virtual elements (data and geo-referenced data) and the places, people, actions that generated them, collecting information for the management of supply and demand for waste delivery in urban areas. This data will be used in the platform to optimize collection and provision strategies.

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