Second edition of the master course

Smart City - Territorial Economic Planning and Development

The course is aimed at developing multidisciplinary and synergistic knowledge between the various aspects of the Smart City, putting students in contact with experts and professionals


Luca Famularo

Marketing Analyst @Colouree

Master's graduate in Marketing Management at the Bologna Business School. Expert in corporate sustainability indicators, in Colouree he holds Marketing Analyst and Communication responsibilities.

In recent years, the theme of the smart city has established itself as an urban strategy to address the growing problems of urbanization. Thanks to the use of the most advanced and innovative technologies, it is in fact possible to improve the quality of life in cities, by acting on the economic, social and environmental aspects.

Al tema Smart City si è progressivamente venuto ad affiancare il tema della Resilience, as a strategy aimed at preventing, facing and resolving the structural, climatic and economic shocks that can strike cities and their inhabitants, even violently and suddenly. Genoa has unfortunately experienced this with repeated floods, the collapse of the Morandi bridge, storm surges, albeit economic cycles and the reduction of the population.

To date, the Italian higher education system, more focused on specialization for single disciplines, is not able to provide a professional figure with the adequate skills to govern the transversal processes of smartization of the 21st century city.

For this reason, the course is aimed at entrepreneurs and graduate professionals who intend to perfect their skills on smart cities through targeted, cross-disciplinary and concrete training, thanks to the numerous testimonials and the development of a project work.

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PropTech's role

Il ruolo dell’innovazione tecnologica nel supporto ai Smart processes e di Resilience delle contemporary cities è stato da sempre individuato come centrale, ma anche oggetto di costanti ridefinizioni nel corso del tempo, che hanno portato la tecnologia da essere essa stessa centro, al ruolo di fattore abilitante di processi che avessero the man in the center.

Today, even more than in the past, it is precisely technological innovation that constitutes the most important lever of transformations, even radical ones, that insist on cities and on the lives of citizens, moving between expectations, fears and real contributions.

Il PropTech (Property + Technology) è il settore d’interesse di Colouree e riguarda appunto il direct contribution of technology to how built spaces and real estate are conceived, managed, and transacted.

Proprio il Real Estate, which is the largest heritage globally, but at the same time one of the most obsolete from a technological point of view, is experiencing a real revolution in its historical fundamentals driven primarily by social changes and people's expectations, but economic and environmental as well.

In this challenge,location intelligence e l’analisi dei Geo-referenced Big Data può aiutare a comprendere meglio le caratteristiche uniche del contesto di qualsiasi immobile o quartiere, a partire dalle specifiche esigenze e stili di vita di chi lo sta valutando, supportando decisioni più smart e svelando opportunità nascoste.

Course Content

Il corso e’ organizzato dal Lifelong Learning Service at the Department of Economics – DIEC, con il patrocinio dell’Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Genova, con la collaborazione di BBBelle con il Panel of experts on the Smart city costituito presso il DIEC che coinvolge membri di: Comune di Genova, Associazione Genova Smart City, Ordine professionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti, Conservatori della Provincia di Genova, Ordine professionale degli Avvocati, Ordine professionale dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili, Ordine professionale degli Ingegneri, Confindustria Genova, CTI Liguria, BBBell, Ansaldo Energia, Leonardo Company, Gruppo Sigla, Capitalimpresa.

Il Corso ha ottenuto il patronage dell’Ordine professionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti, Conservatori della Provincia di Genova: agli iscritti all’ordine sono riconosciuti 20 Crediti Formativi Professionali.

Management Committee

Director: Prof. Renata Paola Dameri UNIGE members: Prof. Clara Benevolo, Prof. Roberto Garelli

External components: Arch. Monica Bruzzone, Eng. Aldo Loiaconi

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