
Come rendere le città Europee più vivibili e sostenibili grazie alle Nature Based Solutions?

Nature4cities è il progetto finanziato dalla commissione Europea, di cui Colouree è partner, che lavora sulle cosiddette Nature Based Solutions per migliorare la vivibilità e sostenibilità delle nostre città


Luca Famularo

Marketing Analyst @Colouree

Master's graduate in Marketing Management, Marketing e Strategy alla Bologna Business School. Esperto in indicatori di sostenibilità aziendale, in Colouree ricopre responsabilità di Marketing Analyst e di Comunicazione.

The working group of the Nature4cities consortium during the General Meeting in Brussels

Colouree è uno dei partner del progetto Nature4cities (go to site), un progetto finanziato dal programma europeo di ricerca e innovazione Horizon 2020, che ha l’obiettivo di creare una estesa piattaforma di riferimento per le Nature Based Solutions, offering techniquesmethodologies e instruments agli attori responsabili della urban planning and renaturalization of the territory.

The project therefore has as its horizon the current environmental, social and economic challenges of our European cities.

Nature Based Solutions (NBS) represent positive responses to societal challenges and may be able to deliver environmental, social and economic benefits at the same time. These are interventions inspired by Nature, which use and enhance existing solutions or explore new ones. NBS are resistant to change but also efficient from an energy and resource point of view. NBS also encourage the development of a systemic approach and at the same time allow interventions to be adapted to the local reference context.


Colouree's contribution to the Nature4cities project

Nature4Cities intende accrescere la consapevolezza sulle Nature Based Solutions, e favorire nuovi modelli collaborativi per il loro sviluppo e diffusione attraverso una piattaforma per la valutazione delle conoscenze e come supporto ai processi decisionali.

The platform will provide a repository of knowledge and some tools for evaluating the impact, benefits and costs of NBS projects, as well as for managing stakeholder participatory processes.

Il contributo di Colouree è concentrato in particolare sullo sviluppo di un modulo della piattaforma del progetto dedicato alla valutazione dell’impatto degli NBS dal punto di vista urbanistico, con un focus sulla misurazione e valutazione di 6 specifici indicatori riferiti:

  • at the level of soil consumption (urban sprawl);
  • the connectivity and accessibility of green spaces in urban areas;
  • to urban biodiversity.

Objectives of Nature4cities

Nature4cities, a project that started at the end of 2016 and will last 4 years, has therefore set itself the following ambitious objectives:

  • Promote the integration of NBS in urban and territorial planning
  • Build a new and active community network based on NBS
  • Offer high-quality tools to support the decision-making process aimed at the renaturalization of cities
  • Implement a holistic rating system for NBS
  • Develop a knowledge platform on NBS and through the sharing of Good Practices
  • Propose new governance models, both economic and financial, to encourage the implementation of NBS

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