
Luca Famularo

Marketing Analyst @Colouree

Master's graduate in Marketing Management at the Bologna Business School. Expert in corporate sustainability indicators, in Colouree he holds Marketing Analyst and Communication responsibilities.

Camallo è il nome genovese di origine araba dello docker o porter che provvedeva a spalla al trasferimento delle merci dalla stiva della nave alle banchine nel porto di Genoa.

Il Camallo è forse Il most ancient work linked to the port of Genoa e ancora oggi camallà vuol dire appunto carrybring in dialetto genovese.Il nome Camallapp è quindi un piccolo tributo a questa great story of Genoese

Camallapp nasce dalla volontà di aiutare i citizens e le activities del territorio genovese in this moment of difficulty and blockage of travel.

The web application, completely free, permette di vedere direttamente su mappa e da qualsiasi device, i shops and businesses available to make home deliveries, with all the information necessary to be contacted.

Genoese citizens potranno quindi accedere a per trovare ciò di they need and have it delivered to their homes:

  • discovering directly on the map le attività intorno a casa che effettuano consegne a domicilio;
  • attraverso searches by category su tutta la città;

It will thus be possible to support local activities and contribute to the reduction of the movement of people and goods in a perspective of proximity and safety, but also of solidarity and community

Camallapp è un iniziativa promossa da Confcommercio-Ascom Genova.

In order to ensure control over members and prevent any fraud, publication will be immediate, via the online form, for associated merchants who have the authentication code, the others will be able to complete the publication of their profile once authorised.

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